Tuesday, January 29, 2019

My take on Lammily...

I have been a Barbie addict, since the age of 5, when I received my first Malibu Barbie. She was my constant companion! I, honestly, was obsessed with all of her clones and competitors, as well.  Any 12 inch doll or action figure found his or her way into my playscale village, sooner or later.  So, obviously when Lammily burst on the scene, I had to have her!

I tore my little butt to the locally owned toystore that carried her, and picked her up as soon as I was able. I brought her home, expecting to fall head over heals in love with this new member of the fashion doll world.

Now, first off, she costs more than a standard barbie.  She costs around the same as a premium playline Barbie. Like the mid range licensed collectible dolls.

So, I opened her box... My opinion from here out, may not be popular...  While her hair is a great quality and she is definitely sturdily constructed and will hold up to vigorous play... she just.. didn't look right. First off, she doesn't look happy. She looks... uncomfortable.  Her face looks expressionless and plain. Her body... while statistically average, is not proportionate.  Her torso is too long for her height and length of limbs, and her shoulders are not relaxed.  She appears to be in a defensive, shielding stance. Lammily looks, as my daughter so eloquently put it, like she's in an awkward situation with no way out. Certainly not the fun loving, adventurous 19 year old she supposed to be, in my opinion...

Her articulation is terribly lacking.  Her legs are like the older Barbie legs.  The rubber with a clicking joint.  It only clicks once.  Barely bending, at all, contrary to the active doll they advertise.  Her arms are little better. When you attempt to pose her sitting her pants come undone, and show her entire rear end,and her legs separate like the cheap dollar store Barbie clones.

 I was also not fond of her outfit... and well... good luck finding anything else to fit her! Even the not so humbly priced offerings on the creator's website don't look very well made, or even flattering on the doll. She can wear some of Ken's clothes. But not very well.  I made her some clothes... but... they didn't really look right, either.  The only shoes that fit, were the ones on the manufacturer's website, and while they are only 3 bucks a pair, there weren't many choices.

So, in my humble opinion, Lammily was a great idea! She was just very poorly executed (especially for her comparatively hefty pricetag). Her proportions make her difficult to play with and dress.  And she definitely doesn't look comfortable in her own skin.  And in true Mattel form, they followed suit, with a much better executed curvy Barbie...  and even added some even more diverse body types. And now, there is a curvy Made to Move Barbie, who completely blows Lammily out of the water, at every turn.

Being the notorious head swapper that I am, I was tempted to put her head on the curvy made to move body, to salvage her somewhat... but I really don't even like her face enough.

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